Shorten your links

Perfect for shortening long links and best of all completely free! Shorten, customize and share shortened URLs more elegantly.

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Follow your short link

Follow your short link

- View your history of created links quickly and easily.

- Get the data on how many people accessed your short link.

- Hide the original link from your URL (know more).

My Links

Paste the URL

Paste the original (large) link.

Suggested name

Customize the link as you wish and click "Shorten URL".

Short link

There you have a short link to share wherever you want.

A free, simple and fast URL Shortener!

“MineURL - URL Shortener” link shortener is a powerful link shortener tool, use our link shortener to shorten a long url and generate a short link, you can even choose and customize the end of the url the way you want (limited to 10 characters and as long as it is available).

This is a free tool that helps you remember and save the link more easily, it also makes the link more beautiful and elegant to share on social networks and the most accessed sites on the internet.

A free, simple and fast URL Shortener!

Why use MineURL?


Shorten links of any length.

100% Free

Create as many short links as you like and share.


We use https protocol with data encryption.


Compatible with desktop, tablets and smartphones.

Shorten, copy and share

Shorten, copy and share

Your shortened URLs can be used in publications, blogs, forums, emails, instant messages and other places.

The links inserted and generated in are public and can be accessed by anyone.

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